1. He's so handsome! I know it's an obvious thing to say just by looking at him and maybe it wouldn't deserve to be in this list, once it doesn't show my skills in understanding people by looking at them. But he really is very handsome and this is the first thing that comes to my mind when I look at him.
2. The jeans were ripped on purpose. The tank top, under the shirt, was put there to create a style and not to protect his body from the weather. The necklaces were strategically tangled.
3. This earring will fall again in the middle of a make out session. And he'll buy another, so someone else can make it fall again. It's the cicle of life.
4. Sunglasses and a coke, on a Sunday morning, are there to create a hangover mood. Everything is very well produced to look as natural as posible.
5. He's thoughtful and tender. He drops everything else to take care of you and does everything he can to make you feel safe. And you almost fall in love, but no, for crying out loud, he's your friend. You can't.
6. He's spoiled. It's very important that everything happens how he expects and anything less is not good enough. He gets really offended, crosses boundries, says silly things and never steps back. To try to change this is a very hard task and not many people are up to it.
7. He preaches liberty and stands for casual flings, but deep inside he's a little insecure with most relationship issues. Because he went through something that I can't recall very well but, you know how it is, it's hard to get close to the fire after you got burned.
8. He loves to have everyone around, loving what he does, thinking that he's the cutest person in the entire world. And he might be, the cutest person in the entire world. Don't ask me, take your own conclusions.
9. He likes to attract people and this is horrible, because I like it too and I know that after the initial passion the magic fades out. To be honest, I'm very scared of people like me. But then I'm talking about myself and that's not the purpose of this list.
10. He likes to argue. He says it's not true and gets mad at whoever throws this accusation, but he creates huge arguments from very small issues. And it's very sad, because it hurts people a lot. But most people get over it, because it's just too hard to stay away.
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