I guess I can't have or be everything, but I do sometimes feel entitled to more than one home. So, setting this straight, I'll say that I'm a Brazilian at heart and if I had to choose only one place to be (or to love) Brazil would be it.
But, while I don't have to choose, I can have days like yesterday, preparing caipirinhas and drinking Argentinean beer, while watching a very american basketball game on TV in a neighbor's garage (isn't watching sports in the garage, in a kind of a "men cave" ambiance, the most american of all american cliches?)
Argentina's soccer team was also playing the US and the score was a shameful 0-0... I know that this is a very american thing to say (and also a manly one) but I'm so looking forward to football season!
I for one, would like to know what caipirinhas are...???
Pat, Caipirinha is que traditional Brazilian drink. It's made with lime, sugar and Cachaça (a Rum made of sugar cane, that I used to bring from Brazil in my suitcase, but now I can find at BevMo). Fancier places will make it with other fruits, like berries or passion fruit. And it's kind of trendy to change the Cachaça for Vodka or Sake if you are not strong enough for Cachaça. I was not strong enough in the past, but I got over it ;)
I found a couple of pictures to show you how it looks like. Weirdly, I can't find any picture taken by me.... I think I should have another Caipirinha evening to shoot some good ones.
And I found a recipe in English!
I love making our own traditions...and I love man-caves, as long as they don't smell like men (that outdoorsy, metal smell) :)
Thanks for your sweet encouragement, by the way. Its nuts how alike I find myself thinking we are everytime I read one of your posts.
If you ever want to share Brazilian recipes, let me know! I love food and cooking and anything that goes along with it..I have contemplated starting a page on my blog just for recipes...but who has time for that!!
Have a great week :)
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