I could have stayed home in PJs and slippers watching sop opera on TV, but was convinced to get on these heels and go to a party. I didn't even r.s.v.p. because I had no intention whatsoever to be there but, after a Sunday watching one Sex and the City after another, it sounded reasonable to go out.
The more normal people at the party were:
1. Me, in the usual LBD
2. A guy in a wool Paul & Shark coat, checkers pants 5 sizes bigger then his, sunglasses and - oh my God! - a Dior cap.
3. A girl in a shiny purple shirt and a fake furcoat - I wonder if she knows how many Teddy Bears had to be killed so she could wear that scary thing! (Actually, this girl used to be my assistant when I worked in advertising, but she looked more normal back then. Or, maybe, I was crazyer then...)
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