Don't I look like a very serious married woman?
Everything was great. Yesterday, when I woke up, the house was already full of people moving furniture out, bringing tables in, arranging flowers, speakers, rugs... In the afternoon, with all my mom's antique rugs outside forming the aisle and a couple of lounges, the rain started. And it was not a shy, slow rain, it looked like the sky was coming down! The catering workers, that had set a working station outside, to assemble appetizers, started carrying everything inside as fast as they could. In the end, everything worked wonderfully. My mom is the best party planner in the whole wide world.
The ceremony was so beautiful, made by two priests that are great friends with my family: Dom André spoke in Portuguese and Dom Geraldo in English - and everyone looked so touched! Then Nick, Bruce, my mom and Brian said some words, we cut the cake, had a delicious dinner and the dancing started, to stop almost at 4 am, when the workers came back to reposition all the furniture. My mom and my brother stayed with them, helping and making sure that everything was in place. I tried, but ended up falling asleep on a couch. I couldn't believe it this morning, you couldn't say that there had been a party in that home some hours before.
Anyway, Scott and I are married now, with wedding bands and everything. And soon we'll be back in San Diego to start the next step of our lives. I'm really happy!