Saturday, December 27, 2003

How many candles make a path? One?

It's just one candle, that looks like an infinite way of candles because of the mirrors that multiply the light. I loved it. Because of its beauty and because of what it made me think: sometimes we look at something very small and let it bother without noticing that there's a whole world out there if we open our eyes. Am I too sentimental these days?

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Holding hands

A mother’s hand helping you cross the street, a brother’s hand encouraging the first bike ride, a friend’s hand in a children game. A friend’s hand helping you to face the dark living room when you arrived from a party much later than you should – and the house seems to be spinning a bit. The hand that belonged to your first boyfriend and the ones that arrived after he was gone. The shy one that slipped his hands on yours in the quietness of a movie theatre, the brave one that used to hold your hand in the middle of the street, in front of everybody’s eyes and even in front of his mother’s eyes, the caring one that always kept a finger ready to tickle... There’s the hand that touches yours as if it wasn’t on purpose but, then, doesn’t let go. Hand that, in a moment of messed hair and half clothes off, guides you to the bedroom with a filthy look, showing what’s gonna happen next. There’s also the adventure companion’s hand, helping you over a big rock or encouraging your first night dive. A friend’s hand giving strenght with no need of any words. Mother’s, brother’s, friend’s hands, holding yours when you are laying down with no will for anything. Hot hand and cold hand, confident hand and shaking hand, a hand that knows what it’s doing and hand that doesn’t even want to know.Some of the greatest moments of life involve holding hands.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Collecting corks

I collect corks. And I know it sounds weird, because people think they all look the same. Mine don't. I only keep corks of bottles that I really drank and I write on each one of them the day, the place, the names of people who were with me and any other important information about the moment.

Monday, December 15, 2003

Food and love

The person who taught me how to cook used to say that when you cook for someone, you are showing your love. That's what I've learned. Nowadays, when my friends come over for dinner, they say thank you and I feel a little weird, because I should be the one saying thank you. It's a great pleasure to cook for people I love.
This apron used to be his and I use it everytime I want to make sure nothing goes wrong. The star of today's dinner was dry meat mezzalunas with pumpkin sauce. Great!

Sunday, December 7, 2003

At the Argentinean restaurant

A couple of friends.

A great conversation.

Several glasses, for wines that fit every course.

Is there a better way to spend a Saturday night?